How Can You Use AI To Build A Food App

In the past few years, very few industries have experienced a meteoric rise, both in usage and endorsement, than the food-tech sector. When you sit to think about it, the reason behind this growth is relatively simple. The food-tech industry is an amalgamation of two entities that are very much significant to man - food and technology.
While food, as a basic necessity, has defined the course of human behaviour, technology, especially the fields of AI and ML, has endeared itself to us by making our lives substantially easier and better. Thus, it is only logical in the hindsight to imagine that an industry stemming out of both these entities would take humankind by storm and create unprecedented ripples in terms of its market disruption and revenue generation. A food app is one such invention that combines basic necessity with technological advancement. As a matter of fact, many courses revolving around artificial intelligence online training in India are now starting to include the development of a food app as their capstone project.
Introduction to Cloud Kitchens
For a couple of decades now, we've been using cloud computing for everything from storing our data and streaming large volumes of information to essentially running entire businesses on it. It is only practical that now we look at it through the lens of ordering and delivering food and started wrapping our heads around the fundamental concept of a cloud kitchen.
The purpose of building Cloud Kitchen is to make food exclusively for delivery. Cloud kitchens are large-scale commercial facilities and commissary kitchens. They are also called shared kitchens, ghost kitchens, and virtual kitchens. Virtual restaurants refer to the delivery-only food brands that operate within this structure. As commercial food production facilities, most cloud kitchens are centralised and licensed in nature. There exists no bar when it comes to the number of restaurants that can avail their services.
Anywhere from an odd couple to about dozens and hundreds of food brands and restaurants can rent space on cloud kitchens to put together delivery-optimised menu items. Additionally, a particular restaurant also has the liberty of operating multiple brands and virtual restaurants. They can run under a single roof or have the kitchen modified to act as an incubator that is split between different vendors simultaneously.
Advantages of Cloud Kitchens
Cost Cutting: One of the most significant roadblocks that restaurant owners face while running their business is managing the costs of their staff and other related operations. This is where cloud kitchens prove extremely beneficial by making the most efficient use of on-demand labour.
Virtual restaurants incur significantly lower costs than their physical counterparts by removing the need for paying rents for the store locations, front-office operations costs, seating costs, and other related logistics costs. As a result, business owners get the liberty to invest the amount saved in other core aspects of the business in question and aim for subsequent growth and expansion.
Improved Efficiency: Cloud kitchens introduce a greater degree of efficiency into your operations by using custom-built spaces and streamlining core operations to optimise the business' delivery processes.
Suppose you're running multiple virtual restaurants. In that case, you can simultaneously prepare different menus, and design the kitchen accordingly to optimise the speed of preparation and cater to your customers within the requisite time slots. Taking the help of cloud and AI allows these kitchens to efficiently keep a tab over their multiple outlets and generate reports accordingly.
Use of AI in Food Apps
Every leading food app utilises Artificial Intelligence to distinguish between different categories of food items such as veg and non-veg, dairy and non-dairy. They make use of the technique of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to expand their operations and transcend their geographic boundaries, resolving all intrinsic linguistic barriers.
AI also allows these apps to provide their customers with a customised interface based on their interests and preferences. With AI at their disposal, food apps can plan ahead of their customer demands and accomplish high user satisfaction levels.
Advantages of AI
Efficient Planning: AI allows food apps to execute their plans and operations in a highly structured and systematic manner.
Food apps have the option of setting up custom AI algorithms in place that can analyse emerging food ordering trends in the market and incorporate them into the eventual app design.
Forecasting Demands: Food apps use AI models to predict their customer's food ordering demands in terms of food categories and the hours of the day in which these orders are placed.
Enhanced Optimisation: Often, optimisation is viewed solely to determine the best routes for the delivery agents associated with the app. However, it also includes optimising the demand of the customer in its scope.
With AI at their disposal, these firms can now develop highly curated lists for their users, subsequently gaining a more comprehensive idea about their interests and preferences.
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